The Nordic countries have set ambitious climate goals and the electricity system is
the key infrastructure required to achieve these goals. Currently, the electricity
system is undergoing an unprecedented change as the electricity generation
structure is rapidly decarbonizing and is simultaneously becoming more variable
according to the weather conditions. In order to achieve national CO2 reduction
goals, sector coupling (heat, transport, gas and electricity) has emerged as a
solution, however, technologies are often at infant stages and their development is
hard to predict. Therefore, a common Nordic view on the development of the system
is required to understand the needs, characteristics, and interdependencies in the
future system.

The NGDP2021 report will communicate this common Nordic view on the
development of the future system (common Nordic scenario) and investigate the
future system needs. Furthermore, the report will highlight selected key focus areas:
offshore/onshore wind, North-South power transfer and resource adequacy in the
future system. The bilateral studies presented in NGDP2019 shall also be updated.
The Nordic Grid Development Perspective (NGDP) is a report requested by the
Nordic Council of Ministers and it is published every second year.

The project has started with the preparation of the common Nordic scenario,
“Climate neutral Nordics”, which shows a path to decarbonized Nordic system. The
scenario work is expected to be completed in the beginning of 2021. During Q1
2021, the TSOs will organize a joint webinar for the stakeholders regarding the
created Nordic scenario and stakeholders will be invited to give comments to the

After the scenario preparation, the project will continue with analysis of future system
needs and investigation of the focus areas and bilateral study updates. The final
report and conclusions will be presented in a joint event in Q3 2021.

The previous version of the NGDP report (NGDP2019) can be found here